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Interface IConfig


  • IConfig



Optional assertionLibrary

assertionLibrary: "ava" | "chai" | string

assertion library to use when running the tests. Valid libraries/strings/values are: 1) chai

chai is the default library if none is provided libraries being developed: 1) Ava

to request support for a new assertion library, check this thread and submit a comment

Optional defaultAddress

defaultAddress: IAddress

default address bot will use for all communication (when not overriden)

Optional ignoreEndOfConversationEvent

ignoreEndOfConversationEvent: boolean

ignores end of conversation event messages

Optional ignoreInternalSaveMessage

ignoreInternalSaveMessage: boolean

ignores the internal save message. Setting this to true will cause checkSession to hang and test to fail

Optional ignoreTypingEvent

ignoreTypingEvent: boolean

ignores typing event messages

Optional messageFilters

messageFilters: MessageFilter[]

filters for messages that the BotTester framework should use

Optional testContext

testContext: any

Stores the test context. This will be used depending on the test runner you choose to use. Currently, the following test runners require this field to be defined:

1) ava

Optional timeout

timeout: number

timeout in milliseconds before a BotTester runner will fail a test (when not overriden)